Finalist category: Grow Your Charity Online Award 2013
Grow Your Own Charity Online Award, Winner, 2013
Established in 1989 Prospects Trust is a charity based on 18 acres of organic farmland at Snakehall Farm in rural Cambridgeshire. It not only grows the best organic produce but more importantly helps people grow, with a dedicated Green Team providing supported work experience, training and horticultural knowledge to up to 15 Co-workers per day, who are adults with learning difficulties, disabilities and those with varying health needs.
Co-workers are involved in the whole horticultural processes of running a farm, from sowing seeds to harvesting, grading and packing and learning to use large scale farming machinery, right up to their huge John Deere tractor, Tilly.
When Tilly Tractor first appeared on Facebook, most of the staff and trustees thought it would be a flash in the pan, but Tilly is now their figurehead on the farm and across the internet. This is a great example of how social media can support fundraising, raise awareness and help make new friends.