Unique technology to accelerate carbon sequestration
Our CARBOSOIL prebiotic is designed to be practical to farmers: liquid form, acceptable dose rate, and delivering quick results: first results on the soil structure can be observed 6 months after application.
The solution to Climate Change lies in soil
66% of world arable soils are degraded according to FAO. Farmers are facing problems of structure (compaction, erosion), loss of resilience to climate change impacts (water retention or dry-off), and a global loss of organic matter resulting in high variability of the yields. Revitalized soils can bring agronomic (soil structure and fertility), food quality (nutritional density), and environmental (massive carbon sequestration) solutions.
Unique technology to accelerate carbon sequestration
Our Soil prebiotic is designed to be practical to farmers: liquid form, acceptable dose rate, and delivering quick results: first results on the soil structure can be observed 6 months after application.
NUTRIGEO activates the humifying fungi, accelerated humification, increase of the K1 ratio, and increased long-lasting Organic Matter leads to better soil structure, better plant nutrition, and faster carbon sequestration. The first 3-years field trials together with universities show promising results.
Highly competitive cost
Regenerative Agriculture practices and Soil Conservation practices are the main unbranded alternatives. Today those practices serve about 80% of the market since no real technology is widely diffused. Our solution costs 120€/ha/year while Regenerative agriculture conversion cost can be between 300 and 1000€/ha according to the change of practices that are implemented.
Massive scale-up with carbon finance
We plan to achieve massive diffusion of our technology through Carbon finance: Farmers will buy the product and will register on a platform. Gaïago will launch a scheme to generate carbon credits for them, through our methodology certification. Farmers will then receive carbon revenues for the amount of carbon they’ve sequestered.
The total addressable market is potentially unlimited. 2/3 of world arable soils are degraded, which makes a potential of 3bn hectares to revitalize. Scientists estimate that global soil carbon restoration could sequester up to roughly 300 Gt-CO2-eq.