Thank you for voting for the Tech4Good People’s Award 2018.
You can only vote once on this website but you can support your favourite by sharing their details with your friends, family and colleagues.
- Get them to visit the voting page
- Or post a Tweet that includes their hashtag – see below for the full list
Full list of Finalists’ hashtags
We are tracking Twitter and counting how many times these tags are used. Click on the hashtags in this list and you will see who else is voting for them…
- Alcove #T4GAlcove
- Always in Mind #T4GAlwaysinMind
- #T4GAmandla
- Ann Crago #T4GAnnCrago
- Anna Holland Smith #T4GAnnaHS
- Apart of Me #T4GApartofMe
- Be My Eyes #T4GBeMyEyes
- Code Camp #T4GCodeCamp
- CodeYourFuture #T4GCodeYrFuture
- Digital Voice #T4GDigitalVoice
- Facebook #T4GFacebook
- Gather #T4GGather
- Generation Code #T4GGenerationCode
- GiveVision #T4GGiveVision
- Graham Gunning #T4GGraham
- Greengame #T4GGreengame
- ImmersiveRehab #T4GImmersiveRehab
- Kindergifts #T4GKindergifts
- Lynk #T4GLynk
- MindMoodz #T4GMindMoodz
- Mind of My Own #T4GMOMO
- Moment Health #T4GMomentHealth
- Nominet Digital Neighbourhood #T4GNominet
- Rafiqi #T4GRafiqi
- Relias #T4GRelias
- Richard Rankin #T4GRichard
- Seeing AI #T4GSeeingAI
- Small Robot Company #T4GSmallRobot
- Stretchlab at the Mustard Tree #T4GStretchlab
- Tap to the App #T4GTaptoApp
- Unlocking Talent Through Technology #T4GUnlockTalent
- Water Watcher #T4GWaterWatcher
- waytoB #T4GWaytoB